11 February 2013

First Creative Writing Contest: April 2013

It is time to start writing your short stories for the first contest in Italy!

You have just studied documents about New York City and immigration into the United States.

The final task* of this unit consists in writing an immigration short story inspired by one of the paintings selected by your Comenius classmates.

Creative Writing Process
1. In pairs, choose one of the paintings selected by your European classmates and use it to imagine a story.

Find the paintings here: http://yewsbookofknowledge.blogspot.fr
==> Think about the scenery, the people in the painting (who are they, what are they doing, why? How did they get there, where are they going? Describe them. Why do they wear those clothes (that shirt, that necklace, that glasses, or what else…)? Do those dirty shoes (or new shoes, new hat, etc.) mean something special to them? What are their names? What are they frowning/smiling at? 

==> Use all that you have learnt about New York City immigration into the USA to find inspiration and enrich you story.

2. You might need some examples to find inspiration.
==> Read the short stories given by your teacher. Which one do you prefer? Why? What about the opening / the ending? What about the characters? The tone?

3. You might need some tools to help you write a more interesting short story.
==> Read and use the different documents given by your teacher: Elements of Short Stories – How to Make Interesting Characters –  Story Opening – Plot Twists  

Find some of these documents here: http://yewscreativewritingworkshop.blogspot.fr

Editing Your Short Story
Once your short story is ready and the mistakes are corrected, you have to word process your text.
==> PLEASE, respect the following rules:
Font: Arial
Size: 12
Text format: justified
Margin: 2.5 
Line space: 1.5
Lines per page: 30
Maximum page number: 4
Page numbering: bottom center

==> The quality of the story and the quality of the language will be both evaluated. They will be published on this blog.

==> The two best short stories – chosen by your classmates and / or your teacher(s) – will be selected for the first creative writing contest in Italy where the four best ones will be awarded.

Good luck and work hard!
* Objectifs pédagogiques
- Solliciter la créativité et l'imagination
- Eduquer le goût d'écrire pour accroître le plaisir de lire
- Ecrire dans le but d'être lu, apprécié ou critiqué
- Compléter l'approche rationnelle et analytique de la littérature par la pratique intuitive et sensible de la création littéraire
- Reconnaître et comprendre les caractéristiques et les contraintes formelles d'un genre littéraire par la pratique sensible de la création littéraire imitative de ce genre
- Placer la pratique institutionnelle de l'écriture en langue vivante dans une situation stimulante (participer à un concours littéraire, en connaître et en accepter les contraintes formelles et les critères de sélection)
- Acquérir des savoirs formels (stylistiques, lexicaux, grammaticaux, rédactionnels, bureautiques, etc.) motivés par les besoins que dicte l'acte individuel d'écriture
- Renforcer le sentiment de fierté devant l'oeuvre accompli